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book icon Book of abstracts 2024 Grandjean Martin (ed.). Historical Network Research Conference 2024, Lausanne, 2024, 142 p.
book icon Article 2024 Holzscheiter Anna, Bahr Thurid, Pantzerhielm Laura and Grandjean Martin, “Positioning among International Organizations: Shifting Centers of Gravity in Global Health Governance“, International Studies Quarterly, 68, 2, sqae073.
book icon Book review 2023 Grandjean Martin, “Histoire et archives à l’ère numérique (compte-rendu)“, Traverse, 2023, 1, 159-162.
book icon Research guide 2023 Grandjean Martin, “The International Bureaux and Intellectual Cooperation Section“, League of Nations Secretariat Research Guide, 2023,
notebook icon Conference paper 2023 Grandjean Martin, “Temporal Network Analysis with Gephi“, GrapHNR, 2023, Mainz.
notebook icon Conference paper 2023 Grandjean Martin and Berra Aurélien, “Comment documenter le ‘moment’ des humanités numériques francophones ?“, Humanistica 2023, 2023, Geneva.
book icon Article 2022 Grandjean Martin, “La visualisation de données, entre usages démonstratifs et heuristiques“, in Les devenirs numériques des patrimoines, Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, 2022, 199-217.
notebook icon Conference paper 2022 Grandjean Martin, “Intellectual Cooperation, a Short Historiographical Overview“, Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations, Geneva, 2022, 7-12.
book icon Book of abstracts 2022 Grandjean Martin (ed.), Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations, Geneva, 2022, 94p.
book icon Article 2022 Grandjean Martin, “The Paris/Geneva Divide. A Network Analysis of the Archives of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations“, in Roig Sanz Diana and Carbo-Catalan Elisabet, Culture as Soft Power. Bridging Cultural Relations, Intellectual Cooperation, and Cultural Diplomacy, De Gruyter, 2022, 65-98.
notebook icon Conference paper 2022 Grandjean Martin and Jacomy Mathieu, “‘Double Blind’ Graph Data Analysis: a Pedagogical Experiment to Discuss the Intersubjectivity of Network Interpretation“, Digital Humanities 2022, 2022, Tokyo.
book icon Article 2022 Grandjean Martin, “Data Visualization for History“, in Noiret Serge, Tebeau Marc and Zaagsma Gerben, Digital Public History Handbook, De Gruyter, 2022, 291-300.
book icon Book of abstracts 2021 Grandjean Martin and Thély Nicolas (eds), Colloque Humanistica 2021 – Recueil des résumés, 2021.
book icon Article 2020 Grandjean Martin, “A Representative Organization?: Ibero-American Networks in the Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations (1922-1939)“, in Roig Sanz Diana, et al., Cultural Organizations, Networks and Mediators in Contemporary Ibero-America, Routledge, 2020, 65-89.
book icon Article 2020 Grandjean Martin, “A Conceptual Framework for Multilayer Historical Networks“, DARIAH Campus, 2020.
notebook icon Conference paper 2020 Grandjean Martin, “A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of Multilayer Network in the Humanities“, Digital Humanities 2020, 2020, Ottawa.
notebook icon Conference paper 2020 Papastamkou Sofia, Laramée François Dominique and Grandjean Martin, “Le Programming Historian en français : quelles ressources éducatives libres pour les méthodes numériques ?“, Humanistica 2020, 2020, Bordeaux.
book icon Article 2019 Grandjean Martin and Van Leeuwen Marco, “Mapping Internationalism: Congresses and Organisations in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries“, in Laqua Daniel, Van Acker Wouter and Verbruggen Christophe, International Organizations and Global Civil Society: Histories of the Union of International Associations, London, Bloomsbury, 2019, 225-242.
book icon Report 2019 Knudsen Søren, Aerts Jan, Archambault Daniel, Chang Remco, Fekete Jean-Daniel, Grandjean Martin, Kennedy Jessie, Kivelä Mikko, Magnani Matteo, Purchase Helen C., Tominski Christian, Valdivia Paola, von Landesberger Tatiana, “Unifying the Framework of Multi-Layer Network and Visual Analytics“, in Visual Analytics of Multilayer Networks Across Disciplines, Dagstuhl Reports, 9, 2, 2019, 19-23.
notebook icon Conference paper 2019 Grandjean Martin and Jacomy Mathieu, “Translating Networks. Assessing Correspondence Between Network Visualisation and Analysis“, Digital Humanities 2019, 2019, Utrecht.
notebook icon Conference paper 2019 Joffres Adeline, Priddy Mike, Morselli Francesca, Lebarbé Thomas, Granier Xavier, Bertrand Paul, Rodier Xavier, Melka Fabrice, Camlot Jason, Sinclair Stéfan, Idmhand Fatiha, Abéla Caroline, Chayani Mehdi, Parisse Christophe, Poudat Céline, Ginouvès Véronique, Sinatra Michael E., Chateau Dutier Emmanuel, del Rio Riande Gimena, Ricaurte Paula, Galina Russel Isabel, Barron Tovar José Francisco, Priani Saiso Ernesto, Grandjean Martin, Berra Aurélien, Baude Olivier and Pouyllau Stéphane, “Building Community at the National and/or International Level in the Context of Digital Humanities“, Digital Humanities 2019, 2019, Utrecht.
book icon Thesis 2018 Grandjean Martin, Les réseaux de la coopération intellectuelle. La Société des Nations comme actrice des échanges scientifiques et culturels dans l’entre-deux-guerres, Université de Lausanne, 2018, 600p.
book icon Article 2018 Grandjean Martin, “Mise en scène de l’histoire sur les réseaux sociaux, pratiques et limites“, Le Temps des Médias, 31, 2018, 156-172.
book icon Article 2018 Grandjean Martin, Clavert Frédéric and Méadel Cécile, “Le temps long des réseaux sociaux numériques, une introduction“, Le Temps des Médias, 31, 2018, 6-11.
book icon Article 2018 Grandjean Martin, Clavert Frédéric and Gilot Jean-Michel, “1914-1918 : Quand la commémoration devient participative“, Le Temps des Médias, 31, 2018, 219-229.
book icon Article 2018 Grandjean Martin, “Humanistica“, Etudes digitales, 3, 2018, 221-224.
notebook icon Conference paper 2018 Grandjean Martin, “Towards the Formalization of Metadata Network Analysis in History: A Complex and Multidimensional Case Study“, DARIAH-CH, 2018, Neuchâtel.
book icon Article 2017 Grandjean Martin, “Analisi e visualizzazioni delle reti in storia : l’esempio della cooperazione intelletuale della Società delle Nazioni“, Memoria e Ricerca, 25, 2, 2017, 371-393. See also: French preprint
book icon Article 2017 Grandjean Martin, Clavert Frédéric, Daniel Johanna, Fleckinger Hélène and Idmhand Fatiha, “Histoire et humanités numériques : nouveaux terrains de dialogue entre les archives et la recherche“, La Gazette des archives, 245, 1, 2017, 121-134.
notebook icon Conference paper 2017 Grandjean Martin, “Multimode and Multilevel: Vertical Dimension in Historical and Literary Networks“, Digital Humanities 2017, 2017, Montréal.
notebook icon Conference paper 2017 Grandjean Martin, “Médias sociaux et mise en scène de l’histoire“, Digital Humanities 2017, 2017, Montréal.
notebook icon Conference paper 2017 Grandjean Martin, Benz Pierre and Rossier Thierry, “Complex Network Visualisation for the History of Interdisciplinarity: Mapping Research Funding in Switzerland“, Digital Humanities 2017, 2017, Montréal.
notebook icon Conference paper 2017 Benz Pierre, Grandjean Martin and Rossier Thierry, “Elites académiques et (re)définition des frontières disciplinaires. Collaborations interdisciplinaires et structure du pouvoir académique“, 7e Congrès de l’Association Française de Sociologie, 2017, Amiens.
book icon Article 2016 Grandjean Martin, “A Social Network Analysis of Twitter: Mapping the Digital Humanities Community“, Cogent Arts & Humanities, 2016, 3: 1171458.
notebook icon Conference paper 2016 Jacomy Mathieu, Girard Paul and Grandjean Martin, “Visual Network Analysis with Gephi“, Digital Humanities 2016, 2016, Krakow.
notebook icon Conference paper 2016 Grandjean Martin, “Archives Distant Reading: Mapping the Activity of the League of Nations’ Intellectual Cooperation“, Digital Humanities 2016, 2016, Krakow.
notebook icon Conference paper 2016 Grandjean Martin, “Social Network Analysis of the League of Nations’ Intellectual Cooperation, an Historical Distant Reading“, Digital Humanities Benelux 2016, 2016, Luxembourg.
notebook icon Conference paper 2016 Xanthos Aris, Pante Isaac, Rochat Yannick and Grandjean Martin, “Visualising the Dynamics of Character Networks“, Digital Humanities 2016, 2016, Krakow.
book icon Article 2015 Grandjean Martin, “Introduction à la visualisation de données : l’analyse de réseau en histoire“, Geschichte und Informatik, 18/19, 2015, 109-128.
book icon Article 2014 Grandjean Martin, “La connaissance est un réseau : perspective sur l’organisation archivistique et encyclopédique“, Les Cahiers du Numérique, 10, 3, 2014, 37-54.
notebook icon Conference paper 2014 Grandjean Martin, “Source criticism in 140 characters: rewriting history on social networks“, International Federation for Public History Conference, 2014, Amsterdam.
notebook icon Conference paper 2014 Grandjean Martin, “Intellectual Cooperation after the First World War: Multi-Level Network Analysis of an International Organization“, Historical Network Research Conference, 2014, Ghent.
notebook icon Conference paper 2013 Grandjean Martin, “Quitter la linéarité du modèle imprimé, le réseau comme nouveau paradigme d’organisation de la connaissance“, Les Humanités délivrées, 2013, Lausanne.
notebook icon Conference paper 2013 Grandjean Martin, “Comparing the relational structure of the Gospels. Network Analysis as a tool for biblical sciences“, Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, 2013, St. Andrews.
book icon Thesis 2011 Grandjean Martin, Les cours universitaires de Davos 1928-1931. Au centre de l’Europe intellectuelle, Université de Lausanne, 2011.