by Martin Grandjean | 14.07.2021 | Humanités
Introduction to Social Network Analysis: Basics and Historical Specificities Martin Grandjean Workshop HNR+ResHist Conference 2021 This video series, intended for a beginner audience, proposes to review the main concepts of social network analysis (terminology, visual...
by Martin Grandjean | 23.12.2020 | Humanités
The four Gospels tell a broadly similar story but have slightly different structures: their constitution has been one of the most studied subjects for centuries. Without revolutionizing a field of research consisting in the careful study of these texts, network...
by Martin Grandjean | 19.11.2020 | Humanités
Using Network Analysis to Question the Concepts of Centrality and Periphery in Complex Historical Structures Keynote lecture “Cultural Organizations: Between the Local and the Global (1880s-1960s)” November 18 2020, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona Martin...
by Martin Grandjean | 10.09.2020 | Actualités
About these visualizations The investigative teams of Public Eye and Unearthed worked for months to compile the “export notifications” from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and national administrations. This data is imperfect because it is only what is...
by Martin Grandjean | 19.02.2019 | Featured
Summary Created in 1922, the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation (ICIC) is a committee bringing together leading scientists such as Henri Bergson, Albert Einstein, Marie Sklodowska-Curie and Hendrik Lorentz. First constituted as a consultative body,...
by Martin Grandjean | 30.10.2017 | Humanités
HISTORICAL “NETWORKS” Confronted with the massification of data and embracing ever more global questions, the history of international organizations is concerned with increasingly complex objects. And if the term “network” is widely used in...
by Martin Grandjean | 21.08.2017 | Humanités
[fivecol_three_first] INTRODUCTION In Switzerland, the panorama of scientific research is deemed to be deeply affected by language barriers and strong local academic identities. Is this impression confirmed by data on research projects? What are the factors that best...
by Martin Grandjean | 26.05.2016 | Actualités
[twocol_one_first] People travel not just more frequently, but increasingly far and quickly. Mapping the connections between all the airports worldwide is a fascinating network visualization exercise. A network, in its very essence, is already a map. And the global...
by Martin Grandjean | 9.05.2016 | Humanités
[threecol_one_first]ABSTRACT Defining digital humanities might be an endless debate if we stick to the discussion about the boundaries of this concept as an academic “discipline”. In an attempt to concretely identify this field and its actors, this paper shows that it...
by Martin Grandjean | 12.01.2016 | Actualités
La Suisse a exporté pour près de 1.4 milliards de francs de matériel militaire en 2014. Mais si le “matériel de guerre” à proprement parler totalise 40.6% de cette somme (563.5 mio), la majorité des exportations de matériel militaire est classée par le...
by Martin Grandjean | 23.12.2015 | Humanités
Are Shakespeare’s tragedies all structured in the same way? Are the characters rather isolated, grouped, all connected? Narration, even fictional, contains a network of interacting characters. Constituting a well defined corpus, the eleven Shakespearean...
by Martin Grandjean | 15.12.2015 | From the web
May the network be with you! Evelina Gabasova ( extracted social networks from the 6 Star Wars movies and analyzed them considering that two characters were connected if they spoke in the same scene. The result is quite conventional, but the...
by Martin Grandjean | 14.10.2015 | Featured
Network Analysis and visualization appears to be an interesting tool to give the researcher the ability to see its data from a new angle. Because Gephi is an easy access and powerful network analysis tool, we propose a tutorial designed to allow everyone to make his...
by Martin Grandjean | 11.09.2015 | Humanités
[fivecol_three_first]ABSTRACT L’utilisation de la visualisation de données en histoire engendre des réactions contradictoires : alors que certains sont fascinés par son potentiel heuristique à en oublier leur sens critique, d’autres rejettent par principe ces...
by Martin Grandjean | 2.07.2015 | Humanités
A journal paper has been published based on this research. Find the online version here: A social network analysis of Twitter: Mapping the digital humanities community (+ PDF + Blogpost) Twitter helps disseminate information and knowledge. This is especially true...
by Martin Grandjean | 26.06.2015 | Actualités
Based on a recent United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees report, the New York Times published a visualization of a very high graphic quality, mapping the 14 million refugees who fled their country in 2014. Beyond its undeniable qualities, this map is the...
by Martin Grandjean | 22.06.2015 | Humanités
Avant d’être ici un “mouvement” et là une “discipline”, les humanités numériques sont une communauté de pratiques qui rassemble des chercheurs, ingénieurs et enseignants qui font usage des outils numériques dans leurs recherches en...
by Martin Grandjean | 16.03.2015 | Humanités
Moreno’s sociograms are frequently considered as the first examples of social network analysis and visualization. Mapping the social affinities of a group of individuals, Moreno’s first sociograms visualize the relationships between pupils in a classroom:...
by Martin Grandjean | 15.12.2014 | Humanités
This paper presents an analysis of the work and functioning of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation (ICIC) between 1919 and 1927 by setting up a database containing metadata of thousands of documents contained in the ICIC funds (UN Archives,...
by Martin Grandjean | 4.11.2014 | Humanités
[fivecol_three_first]ABSTRACT L’analyse de réseau ne transforme pas nos objets d’étude, elle transforme le regard que le chercheur porte sur ceux-ci. Organisée en réseau, l’information devient relationnelle. Elle rend possible en puissance la création d’une nouvelle...
by Martin Grandjean | 15.09.2014 | Actualités
Le marché mondial de la bière est dirigé par une poignée de grands groupes, dont quatre se partagent la propriété de plusieurs centaines de marques, totalisant près de la moitié de la production mondiale. Exercice de visualisation, raté ? Alors que le groupe...
by Martin Grandjean | 11.09.2014 | Actualités
The choice of a new fighter aircraft is not only dictated by technical requirements. At least as important as price, capacity or robustness, the origin of the supplier (nationality/ies, but also the coalition in which the country is implicitly or...
by Martin Grandjean | 8.09.2014 | Humanités
Who’s following who in the digital humanities network ? Usually at the forefront in the use of digital tools, the representatives of this area of research use Twitter to share and communicate. This post provides an outline of “friends/following”...
by Martin Grandjean | 26.08.2014 | Actualités
[fourcol_three_first]Est-on capable de reconnaître le plan de métro d’une ville si on le réduit à sa plus simple expression : un réseau sans indications de lignes et de lieux ? Sous cette forme, le réseau de métro apparaît parfois bien différent du plan...